Meet the Editors: Marilyn Schotland

Dear readers, we hope you are enjoying your Monday morning wherever you are. It truly seems that Fall is finally underway in the United States and our team is looking forward to new books and hot drinks. Today, features our final interview. Last but not least, meet our poetry editor...

Marilyn Schotland is a second year student at the University of Michigan, where she is currently pursuing a double major in Art History and French. Her published work is forthcoming in sea foam mag and The Dinner Table Review. She likes peaches,  Andrew Wyeth paintings and drinks too much coffee.

Who are some writers/artists that inspire you?
I have particular fondness for the works of Anne Carson, Nick Bantock, Donna Tartt, and perhaps it goes without saying, William Shakespeare. During the summer, I like to dive into ridiculously long novels and have most recently completed War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. I’m also intensely fascinated by WWI poets such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. In terms of art, I love Claude Monet, Kay Nielsen, Hieronymus Bosch and paintings featuring ugly Renaissance babies. 

Favorite vegetable?
Mushrooms! While technically a fungus, the mushroom is hearty, with an pungent, earthy flavor that makes it an excellent component in stews. 

What do you like most about bees?
Bumblebees are industrious! I also love how they are fluffy and bump into windows accidentally. Part of the reason that we named our magazine, "Bombus Press," was that we wanted to curate a collection of excellent works on the internet, organized like dripping honeycombs. Since the bee is a popular trope in both literature and art, it is therefore the perfect emblem for our mag. (Also, try saying the word bombus ten times fast!)